Hercules’ Haven begins with the story of Alison and Danny Stone who had a dream to live on a farm surrounded by animals. The family moved to the Lilly Street farm in Cedar Rapids in late 2015. In the spring of 2016, they welcomed a puppy. By September, Alison found two mini-pigs. Goats and mini-horse arrived soon after.

Hercules came to the farm as a one day old runt with his brothers in late October. Alison, Danny and their daughter, Issy, worked furiously to keep the boys strong, but two died by the end of the weekend. The Stones found their mission and the farm had a namesake.


Hercules’ Haven was founded in 2017 to be a place of healing and care for animals and people. That same year Hercules’ Haven welcomed two more pigs, a retired mare, another mini-horse and a cute little lamb. 

In May 2019, Hercules’ Haven moved to its new home outside of Springville, Iowa. Now with 40 acres for animals, guests, and hay production, we have been able to rescue almost 60 individuals from abuse and neglect.

Stories from the Haven

saving chickens

Kindness Comes in ALL Forms

This past weekend kindness came in the form a collaboration between Animal Place, Hercules’ Haven, Inner Light Sanctuary, several good Samaritans, and a farmer who chose a

Freya and Odin

Healing Broken Souls

By now, you have likely read or watched the news reports of the horrors that took place at Cricket Hollow Animal Park near Manchester. On

Finding Grace

Finding Grace

Lead with Grace. That is my new tag line. For me, this means to meet each and everyone with love and kindness. My journey to plant-based eating has been a roller coaster.


Mini Horse Emergency

Friends, we had an emergency come up last night and are expecting a big vet bill. Can you help with a donation? Finnegan, one of our

Why I Volunteer

Why I Volunteer

Everyone volunteers for a different reason. Every time I do, its for a different reason.  Sometimes it’s a social component. I live alone and spend

Taco Tuesday

Eat Like You Care: Taco Tuesday

Who doesn’t love Taco Tuesday? Today, I’d like to share my personal favorite recipe. No specific amounts of the ingredients is required, add ingredients as

bonding time with a goat

Around The Haven

Another productive day at the Haven! Mary, Nicole and I started out the day with food prep. Lots of yummy greens this week! After food

surrender an animal

The Three Little Pigs

This is the story of Hercules’ Haven and the three four little pigs… On June 4th, a couple of pigs were spotted on the southwest